About Us
Who we are
ALESOPI is a leader in leveraging data to drive decision-making in a range of sectors including environmental management, health, and development programs. We've partnered with top-tier organizations worldwide, delivering data-driven insights that facilitate informed policy-making and strategies.
Our Expertise
We specialize in employing advanced analytics, including machine learning models and quantitative evaluation techniques, to solve complex problems. Our projects span from assessing environmental impacts and health outcomes to enhancing operational efficiencies in development aid initiatives.
Highlighted Projects
In-depth Analysis of ODA's 20-Year Footprint in Lebanon:
Collaborated in a pivotal study analyzing Lebanon's 20-year ODA influx, streamlining 38 disparate datasets into a coherent narrative that includes over 21,000 financial interventions.
Masterminded a sophisticated analysis structure, focusing on sectoral, demographic, geographic, and funding origin insights for critical timeseries comparisons.
Pioneered the use of cutting-edge Language-Model Augmented text mining techniques for meticulous intervention categorization.
Engineered an intuitive, dynamic dashboard providing deep dives into data, revealing trends, and guiding policymaking with granular funding evolution insights.
Explore the dashboard in the project article
Pillar of DG INTPA Evaluation Support Service (ESS):
Played a key role in bolstering the quality of EU evaluations, providing expert counsel on drafting ToRs, overseeing evaluation procedures, and scrutinizing methodological soundness.
Innovatively designed and supervised a groundbreaking €5 million impact evaluation for the EU Trust Fund for Africa, the first of its scale for INTPA.
Tailored strategic evaluations for the EU's Bekou Trust Fund, blending financial instrument appraisal with country-level outcome analysis.
Championed a culture of continuous learning through webinar delivery, crafting methodological literature, and implementing a pedagogical approach within helpdesk services.
Missions chiefly executed at ESS headquarters and virtually, with a concentration on several African nations under the European Trust Fund.
Frontline MEAL Educator for EU Personnel:
Spearheaded comprehensive training initiatives on evaluation methodologies and best practices as the premier educator for EU staff.
Curated and digitalized high-quality training content for a blended learning experience, encompassing a broad spectrum of MEAL topics.
Conducted immersive, interactive learning sessions both online and in-person, targeting a diverse audience from various DGs.
Steering a Multi-Faceted Evaluation of Innovative Funding Frameworks:
Directed a comprehensive evaluation of decade-long programs under the auspices of Belgium's RMCA and RBINSc, focusing on a diverse array of themes from sustainable agriculture to global citizenship education.
Employed advanced text mining and AI tools in an exhaustive analysis of 900+ documents, setting the stage for a holistic review of the programs' strategic and operational trajectories.
Generated actionable recommendations for future programming, providing invaluable insights into the efficacy of a mixed financing framework between scientific research and development for DGD and BELSPO.
Orchestrated interactive workshops to facilitate informed decision-making based on the evaluation's findings.
Contact Us
We're here to answer any questions you may have about our services and sectors of expertise. Reach out to us, and we'll respond as soon as we can.
Contact Information:
Email: info@alesopi.com
Phone: +33751085937
Office Address:
ALESOPI, 15 Che de Coton, 26120, Chateaudouble